How to Increase Traffic to your Website – jsm

How to Increase Traffic to your Website – jsm

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Top tricks you can use to improve SEO for your website

At the top of every web developer’s list of things they must do to make sure their website stays at the top of top ranked sites in their respective fields is “SEO” or the rarely used full version, search engine optimisation. It is not for little reasons that they put so much stress on this. Any sane mind will really understand the importance of SEO and how it could be the game changer for any website or blog.

Search engine optimisation is the trick people use to help them generate organic traffic to their website or blog. With search engines, a website is able to get traffic enough from new users to which the new users are able to discover the site anew from nothing close to an advert, promotion or anything paid for.

Actually, there’s not much anything new that you’ll do to boost your SEO. It’s simply about what of the old techniques that you used that will have to be given more importance than others because, apparently, they work better than the rest. So, what are these things? Where does a person begin implementing them? Let me now get down to the actual discussion.

Social content will always be top

As obvious as this may seem, you may be surprised at how little of this you have attached more importance than other content. You’d find a lot of SEO preachers asking you to put forward your social foot and make it almost your primary area of sharing content with their users. You see, social media is just where everybody is found.  People do not wake up to check out blog posts. People wake up to see what their friends want to share with them. And where else do you think your target audience will find their friends at, other than social media?

Top tricks you can use to improve SEO for your website
Top tricks you can use to improve SEO for your website

This is why posting your posts on your blog is important, but it is more important to post again on the social media platforms. While your users check what their friends have in store for the day, if they happen to stumble upon a catchy post from your page or whatever the social media platform calls it, there is a good chance that they would share it to their friends who could share it further, and that’s how viral contents are born. Now, if you website or blog posts something that goes viral, chances are, it will gain a little of fame. And that little of fame is all you need to generate reputable traffic for the marketability of your site.

In fact, it is rated that 70% of the time spent online by most people is spent roaming on social media. This is why you must utilise every opportunity to catch the users while they do their routine hunting of anything interesting on the social networks. Again, this calls for another step. Because, in as much as you have your content on that social media page, if it is not interesting to the audience, it is very easy for them to ignore it. This is to say that it might not make a difference… unless it is catchy enough.

That means the other step to add to this is to make your titles catchy enough… And as said, think of your title as a one to six words ad that has no support. It has to be what you rely on most because it is your only chance to catch the user’s attention. And that one user could be your miracle worker for your website or blog. For example, if that one user shares your content with his or her friends, it is possible that some of the people from the person’s friend list would also share it. And that spreads the word because it becomes common knowledge among the friends.

Always keep in mind that, as you post on your website or blog, so must you post on your respective social media platforms.

Have some videos

Because videos always rule. A simple fact that you cannot deny. When you post textual content and post video content on the exact same thing, then promote the two equally, you’re likely to end up with the video ranked on top of the textual content. Reason being that people prefer videos due to their ease of use and minimal effort that needs to be applied to watch a video. Also, videos are found to be more entertaining than just text. This is why people prefer videos. And search engines just like it as much as the people like it because the search engines are made for people, not for bots or some other boring things that do not give any recognition to videos.

But when you get to hear that search engines prefer videos, it does not mean that you go ahead to convert your website or blog into another YouTube or Vimeo. No. What I mean is that, out of every 10 textual posts in your blog or website, have just one video and do not promote it any differently from your regular textual posts. This should get some of your pages rank higher, and these are the pages that will take your website or blog up the ranking scale over time.

Do not have everything as a video, but a mix up of content is just a reasonable thing to do, after all, you are after entertaining your audience. And that’s what you must do at all costs because it is your primary goal. Do not give up on promoting those juicy videos because they are you major hope. Notice that videos are placed on top of the other contents in some popular search engines such as Google. Not like “ranked higher” but just made to stick on top of everything. Doesn’t that sound catchy enough for you to start investing in?

Optimise your website for mobile devices

Let me clarify something on this first. Mobile device optimisation isn’t here to mean optimising your website or blog for portable devices. It stands here to mean optimising your website or blog for devise with different screen sizes.  Before we get down to argument, let’s list some facts:

  1. 4 out of 5 consumers use smartphones to shop according to
  2. Over 70% of mobile searches lead to online action within 60 minutes as per a post on
  3. More than 1.2 billion people access the web from mobile devices as posted on
  4. The total mobile traffic now accounts for 15% of all internet traffic all over the world according to
  5. Over 95% of smartphone users have searched local information as sourced from

With those statistics, let us now get down to the actual discussion. These days, when you perform a search from a mobile device, responsive websites are marked out as “Mobile friendly.” This is specifically good as one does not need to zoom in in order to view contents clearly. Responsive sites are made to respect view-port and render contents to fit on the screen without going out of the range. This makes the site easy to use on smaller screens.

Search engines rank mobile friendly sites first on mobile and even on PC because the sites that constantly update their design (but of course retaining their SEO ranking) look juicy to search engines because they appear more modern than the rest in their respective fields.  Responsive designs are generally cleaner than the old ones and are more user friendly. This is why search engines rates them higher because users would obviously prefer better designed sites over some ugly ones.

Mobile optimised websites are a greater deal when it comes to attracting the larger chunks of users who exclusively access the internet via their mobile devices.

Get your site a mobile app

Recent surveys show that over 52% of time spent online in the digital media by users is spent on mobile apps while another report shows that users spend 89% mobile time using apps. This is the reason why more and more businesses are planning to explore the advantage of using mobile apps. It’s just a matter of time before mobiles apps take over desktop apps and websites as well as mobile websites too.

Mobile apps tend to be more convenient than browsers because they are more dedicated to that specific website or blog. The app also gives the website or blog more features to choose from than the conventional browser can offer. It brings the website or blog to just a click or two away with all sorts of fancy animations as well as the native behaviour of apps when incorporated into the local system.

Incorporate the voice search function

When you think of voice search, what comes to your mind? Does it mean a tool for the blind to you? To the modern world, not really. Voice search is way more convenient and faster, in addition to which it’s safer. Safety is where it becomes a little challenging.  Well, in the case where one is driving, and maybe you need to urgently search something. It would obviously be unsafe because you’d need put your attention in it and actually have to remove your hands off the steering wheel.

Incorporating voice search into your service isn’t too hard.  Microsoft, Google and Apple came up with their own sophisticated voice recognition algorithms incorporated into their systems. Cortana, Google Now and Siri are their respective names that have been well incorporated into Microsoft systems, Android and Apple’s iOS systems.

You do not exactly have to do some quirky trick to make this work for you. All you need to do is use some long tail keywords because people rarely use 2 words when it comes to voice searches. If you need your content searchable through voice search. And using long tail keywords is just part of the regular SEO so it shouldn’t be anything new.

Localised SEO is way more important than a lot of other stuff

Think about the reasons why search engines venture into local domains. What would be their reasons? It’s because the local SEO looks more manageable to than the worldwide market that most marketers target but search engines view those as “greedy.” They are seen as people just looking for audience from whom they need to make money. It is actually true that people would make money from their audience. But it shouldn’t be anyone’s primary goal to make money from the people who use the service he or she provides through their blog or website. Take a look at this:

  1. According to, local searches lead 50% of mobile visitors to visit stores within a day.
  2. Over 60% of consumers have used local information found in advertisements according to
  3. 50% (or more)mobile searches are conducted in hopes of finding local results as per the source listed above too.

This means that if your website or blog is focused somehow on issues that affect your local world, then you stand a higher chance than most of your competitors in your field in your local area. If you happen to impress the locals, then it would be easier to impress the whole world gauging from this experience according to the search engines.

The bottom-line

Every day, people look forward to expecting more traffic from the search engines. This kind of traffic is very important to anyone serious about their online presence as business or passion. Anybody should be able to notice that these things listed in here have been implemented in few websites that do not rank high enough. In addition to the regular SEO, if one is able to use some of the tricks listed here, it would get much easier to generate organic traffic to his or her website without much hassle.

If these do not work for you, just no know that there is no one way to make things work out easier for every website. But there is always that one thing that will work for you.


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