Top Productivity Apps for Android Must try

Top Productivity Apps for Android Must try

As android devices got popular very fast, Everyone knows how important it is to manage and save time. What if simple apps in your phone could do that by getting work done faster and more efficient in very less time?

These are the top productivity apps that can save your time.

  1. Lastpass


    We all need to know different password in order to survive on the internet. Sometimes you get confused between different passwords and this causes a large number of waste of time.

    LastPass is one of the free password manager app, any one can use this app and you never need to remember multiple passwords.and no need to worry about all the passwords

    Lastpass app can store all your passwords securely you no need to worry and you can use all password across all your devices.

    Set a master password and you are good to go!

  2. Google Keep


    The ultimate note taking app, developed by the search engine giant, Google keep is the only note taking app you will ever need. It helps you in organising data, basically any text data that you will need to know in the future.

    The UI is simple yet efficient. They have incorporated all the necessary features such pinned notes, reminders, check boxes, labels, archives You can even have different colored notes.

    There are options to take a picture as a note, record audio as a note and even handwritten notes.

    All the data you enter are also saved to the servers of your google account and are never lost.

  3. Vidmate Apk
    The last app in this list of productivity apps is Vidmate. Vidmate is basically a video hosting app that lets you download and watch videos for free. You can get content from a wide variety of websites including youtube. Videos could be downloaded in all of the popular file  formats such as 720p, 360p, 3GP, MP3, M4A.

  4. Swipes


    Swipes is basically a to-do list app, the best one I could find in this category.

    As the name suggest this app works on the principle of swiping. There are three tabs in the app, Later, Now and Done, all three tabs can be accessed by swiping left or right.

    One can add the tasks one need to do to the Later or Now tab. Add those tasks that need to be done today to the “Now” tab. As one finishes these tasks one can swipe a task to the right and it will go to the Done tab.Pro Tip – Check out the top torrent sites 2017 here
    It helps you organise your day well and gets things done better. The satisfaction one gets when one goes to sleep at night with an empty “Now” tab is priceless.

    The UI is good with bright colors and the app also saves your data on their cloud.

  5. OfficeSuite 8


    How can we create a list of productivity apps without mentioning an office suite?

    OfficeSuite 8 is the best officesuite app available for android. It can create and edit word documents, presentations and spreadsheets and even convert them to PDF.

    It is compatible with a variety of file formats such as DOC, DOCX, DOCM, XLS, XLSX, XLSM, PPT, PPTX, PPS, PPSX, PPTM, PPSM.

    You can share your documents to all of the popular cloud services such as Box, DropBox, Google Drive, OneDrive etc

  6. CamscannerThis app is a life saver for you if your day includes a lot of documents. It is a must have app for any student out there. CamScanner saves students both time and money by serving as a replacement for xerox notes.The app lets you take pictures in a fast and efficient manner and save them into a variety of formats including PDF, Doc etc.There is one feature in CamScanner that I like a lot. It has a smart crop feature that crops only the text area in any image you take and shaves off unnecessary parts of the image. It also smartly aligns the image to a better viewing angle if the picture was taken in a bad angle.The app also has a filter that highlights the text and makes the white space whiter for better readability. Do try this out.

  7. Expensify


    Like the name suggests, expensify is your smart book keeper. You can keep track of your daily expenses and create reports of it. This app comes useful especially to businesses, accountants. You no more need to bear the pain of creating spreadsheets for this.

    The app can even track your flight and car bookings and alert you if there is any delays.

  8. Tasker


    Tasker is an android app for the more advanced users of android. It does need root access to function, if you got that part covered, Tasker can perform wonders for you.

    It can automate your android to do things which can save you a lot of time.

    For starters, you can set your device to go to silent mode when you sleep or when you reach your office, launch one app after another, launch the music app when the headset is plugged in and more and more and more, the sky’s the limit.

So this was our take on the Top productivity apps for android . Do comment below if you have any queries or doubts. Keep visiting


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