How to Embed a YouTube Video with Sound Muted: jsm

How to Embed a YouTube Video with Sound Muted: jsm

It is simple to embed YouTube video clips in your web page. You may have to copy the IFRAME embed code and insert it anywhere on your website page. YouTube offers basic personalization options – like you are able to change the player sizes or cover up the YouTube marketing – however, if you'd probably like to get more control through the design or actions of the embedded player, YouTube Player API is the best option.

Read this article till the end to know how to Embed a YouTube Video with Sound Muted:-

This guide describes the best way to embed a YouTube video clips which will instantly perform when the website is loaded but with modest sound.

For example, a products web page will use small screencasts to focus on functions and these video clips will autoplay when the web page is loaded. The volume is on the other hand set to 0 and the user can personally click to unmute the clip. In the same way, if you work with YouTube video background, it is more efficient to embed muted video clips that run in a cycle.

See the trial web page to receive a strategy of what we're trying to do here. The web page loads, the video clip plays but with the sound slide is right down.

This is simple. Go the YouTube video clip web page and take a note of the ID of the video clip from the URL. For example, in case the YouTube video link is, the video id is abc-456. As soon as you've the ID, all you need to do is change YOUR VIDEO ID.

Next step the modified code on the website and the embedded video would instantly play however the audio is mute.

You may more personalize the player by changing the different player factors as stated in the rule. For example, when you set loop as 1, it clip plays in a loop. Set fs to 1 to indicate the full-screen option inside the video clip player. Throughout, the player is embedded making use of the YouTube IFRAME API. When the web page is loaded, the onReady event works that mutes the clip. These all above tips will help you to embed the video.


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