How to add quick tab with custom code on product page of concrete5 cms


How to add quick tab with custom code on product page of concrete5 cms
Hello friends are you looking to implement quick tabs on the product page on concrete5 cms there is no module or packges which already implement the product description in quick tabs as  in screen shot

product description tabs in concrete5
product description tabs in concrete5

you can find this plugin to implement the quick tabs you need add the description in these tabs

But if you want to impement the automaticaly you need to implement the qustion code in concrete5


Today i will guide you how to add the quick taba in concrete5 and you can manage these tabs from the admin section of the concrete5 you can install this concrete5 addon to make ecomerce working in concrete5 download this plugin

and install it from admin section of the concrete5 also add some prodcuts in it


If you have any question about this please leave coment i will help to you sort the issue in your website.


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