Stress Management - How To Handle Stress?
Stress Management
Every person has dealt with stress in their lives at least once and you must know Stress Management and how to handle stress. Whether it was school, work, social anxiety, other difficult moments or other things. It is no secret that we live in a competitive society where people are stressed to achieve better. This is not a bad thing as long as we push each other to be better and not just create additional stress.
We recognize three different types of stress. Those are Acute stress, Chronic Stress and Episodic Stress. Acute stress is the most common one that happens to everyone from daily pressure to do some task. Chronic stress is not exciting but dangerous, because it is not triggered by a stressful situation but it can be triggered by anything. Chronic stress is developed by living in a stressful environment for a longer period of time. The Episodic stress is mostly Acute stress but when it is happening more frequently and over time it can develop into Chronic stress.
Stress can cause many health problems like sudden weight-loss, hair loss, heart conditions, respiratory diseases and many more. Beside physical issues and diseases, stress can cause many psychological problems like depression, short temper and inability to tolerate certain situations.
Healthcare workers are usually exposed to higher than normal amount of stress just because of the nature of their workplace. Normally, in many other professions, workers try to meet certain deadlines that are needed for the company, but healthcare workers have many things at stake. The fact that healthcare workers work to save a person’s life puts a lot of pressure and because not all cases end good, healthcare workers are prone to feelings like depression and social inabilities.Many experienced healthcare workers have been recorded to suffer from chronic stress and even depression.
There are many strategies and techniques that can be implemented in order to Stress Management and deal with stress. Personally, I have implemented a few of them and they have worked great. For example, in my educational years, I had a hard time keeping up with all the new things I was learning and always felt like don’t have time for anything. After a while, I realized that if I plan well and eat anything other than junk food, I can make it work. I made a schedule and tried to take my time to drink plenty of water and cook myself a proper meal help me to Stress Management. I found that I was much calmer and more efficient. My body was more relaxed and I rarely had headaches. I still practice the techniques every day and I think that they might be one of the most significant reasons I am where I am now.