How to find high volume and low competition keywords – jsm

How to find high volume and low competition keywords – jsm

The Internet has changed the way we work. We are able to buy just about anything; just by a click of the mouse. Our shopping is made easier by the presence of e-commerce websites. For any business, it is important to have a social media presence. Also, just having a website is not enough, we also need a business to be present on social media websites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, before we can even trust them. For any business which is just starting, a website is very important as well as a social media presence. The website should focus heavily on SEO and a beautiful UI design which can draw traffic to the website and increase the page views. There is no need of using high competition keywords if you are just starting. Instead the focal point should be on low competition, high volume keywords and effective linking of content on your websites. By focusing on these two, there is a good possibility of overthrowing your competitors and attain the first position.  So what is low keyword competition? Read on to find out!

What is low keyword competition?

For any website, search engine optimization or SEO is important. Essentially, SEO would make your website come up in the top results of the searches and improve the visibility. To have an optimized website, keywords are important as people search with some definite terms using search engines. If your website has the same terms as that which are frequently searched, then your website will have more visibility. You might have heard about the term low competition keyword and how it can guarantee success for your website. Low competition keywords are keywords which essentially have high monthly searches but they don't have as much competition as other keywords have. For example, eBay, Amazon will be high competition words as the search for these will be more. So all you need to do is to find some keywords which are not used frequently and incorporate them in your website.

How to find high volume and low competition keywords

1. One way is to use Google to find the keywords which are currently popular. You can use the keyword planner to research the keywords and sort them as per their difficulty and competition level.

2. Another way to find high volume keywords is to use software which can analyze keywords, their difficulty level and the ratio of volume to competition.

These two methods can be used to determine what you can incorporate into your website and how effective it will be for beating competition.

Analyze the competition

The first step is to know that you are competing with only the top 10-15 websites, not a million websites. Already some websites are on the first page of your Google search. Analyze their website and the content. Check the keywords they have added in their content through a tool and make a note of it.

Know the right words

Now that you have the list of keywords you are competing against, you can find the related phrases or keywords used in the content. By this method, you will have expanded the list of keywords.

Know your market and whether to enter it or not

You can evaluate whether there is a lot of competition or not, by searching about your business. If there is an insane amount of competition, then there is no point of entering that field. Instead, you can focus your energy on something else. Or else you can change your idea and enter into something which has lesser market. Nonetheless, your fight is only for the first page or the first rank.

Discovering the words which can make a difference!

Discover the keywords which have high search volume during a specific period of time. The two important metrics are the volume and the competition. Along with this, the difficulty level of each keyword needs to be checked. These three metrics can help in finding the balance between the volume of keywords and competition.

Make a list of keywords

Now that you have a decent idea about the keywords used in your line of business, make a list of keywords that you can incorporate into your website. Keep a regular check of keywords and update your list as and when required.

Tips to conquer the SEO battle

  1. Check if other websites are SEO optimized

This can be done by using view source on the website of your competition. Check if the keywords are mentioned in the website, heading, title etc.

  1. Check back links of your competitors

If back linking is done effectively, then these websites are optimized effectively. However, there might be some websites which do not have a good back linking. The aim should be to analyze your competition and improve your own website.

  1. Perform searches on Google using keywords

By performing Google searches you can understand how many results are appearing in your keyword search. You can also search for the keywords in other's website by performing in title and in anchor search. Make a few changes to your keywords and check the results. The best way of reaching to the top is by analyzing your flaws and your competitor’s regularly and improving them.

  1. Keep a track of your ranking

Keep a check on the ranking of your website regularly and tracking how your changes are helping you climb up.

  1. Buy a domain name having a keyword related to your business

There is a good chance that all the keywords related to your niche area are already taken. However you can check the age of domain names and if they expire you can buy them.

  1. Keep your social media presence alive and kicking!

So now you know what is low competition keyword and how you can optimize your site effectively. To sum up, finding low competition keyword is rather easy. You can use any tool to find keywords which are not being used and utilize them in your site. You can even get ideas for amazing business ideas through these tools. There are many niche areas which have not been utilized till now and even if you start today, you will be able to find them and set up your own business and become the top ranker.


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